Focus Contact Center in Creditinfo Romania – Case Study Creditinfo Romania are recognized leaders in providing diversified credit risk management products and services in trade, telecommunication, insurance and other crediting markets. With information provision at the core of their services and more than 13 years’ experience, they enable their clients to make better informed business decisions, evaluate future partners, and collect money faster.
To compete successfully, businesses need to use cutting-edge technological solutions. Implementing them quickly, though, bears the risk of lost money and wasted time. Is there a safer alternative?
Top-class customer service brings a host of benefits – quickly-solved problems raise satisfaction, increase purchase value, and attract new buyers. Such service is costly, though. Every new service agent, apart from the obvious benefits, is an expense. How can you get more people engaged into customer service and rationalize the costs?
Multilingual customer service seems a standard today – more and more businesses want to go global and offer their products to customers from all continents. What tools can help in international customer support?
The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) functionality can make customer call handling much faster. But if poorly designed, it can cause no end of dissatisfaction and bad emotions. ¾ customers point to an IVR as the source of bad service experience. So how can you build an IVR that won’t make most of your customers mad at you?
The healthcare industry is in many ways unique – your customers are patients, the stakes – the life and health of them or their families, the legal environment – restrictive. The customers/patients have more choice, are more conscious of their rights, and have growing expectations. And the competition is growing ever stiffer. How can you improve the performance of a medical clinic, lab, or hospital, by differentiating your services?